Tuesday, 14 October 2014

NUS SoC Hacking Challenge 4 - Locate Me

Challenge 4 - Locate Me

So all you have were these. 7 Images. And thats it.

Like previous levels, after viewing the source code and found nothing, its basically up to the images itself that were the clues. So i decided to save all the images onto my desktop.

But here's the interesting part. The names of these images seemed to skip a number.

And since the title of the challenge is called 'Locate me', i decided to search for the missing number. Of course, like the other extension of the images, it varies. So i decided to try one by one. First '6.jpg' but there's no such file in the server.

Next, i decided to search for '6.jpeg' and YES! found the hidden image.

As usual, saved the image on the desktop. Here's the thing, it wasn't easy. I initially suspect this file to be either a manipulation of colors or steganography. I spent over 3 hours trying to decrypt or decode the images using both downloaded and online tools. It was such a pain! 

Then i decided to perhaps RE-open it in a notepad instead. And there's the damn key! 

Here's the thing. I did this way before i analyze the file using steganography tools and color manipulation. So when a colleague of mine messaged me that he was at the other level. I was like "Dude! How!". And he told me to analyze it by opening the file using a notepad, i told him i did and it was all garbage. He told me "Look closer". So i took a look at it, slower and closer and there it was!!!! Right in front of my eyes! Lesson Learned: Always take a much closer look - and take your time. :)

My conversation with my colleague. Excuse my language. It was the heat of the moment. ;)

So copy the string and Submit! Sweet! Level 4 Down!!!!

Next Stop - Level 5

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